Burnout coach Subira Jones, also known as The Corporate Hippie, recently won the Young Business Person of the Year award at the SME Business Awards. Jones, who is a sought-after coach and speaker, has made a name for herself by helping individuals and businesses prevent and overcome burnout.

Jones has a passion for helping people find balance and happiness in their careers, and her approach to coaching is rooted in mindfulness, self-care, and wellness. She has a unique perspective, bringing a fresh and holistic approach to the topic of burnout, which has resonated with her clients and audiences.

Jones’ approach to burnout prevention has earned her recognition and praise in the business community, and her recent award win at the SME Business Awards is a testament to her success and impact. The award recognizes young business professionals who have made a significant contribution to their industry, and Jones was chosen for her exceptional work as a burnout coach and her dedication to helping people find balance and happiness in their careers.

In addition to her work as a coach, Jones is also a sought-after speaker. Her engaging and dynamic speaking style has made her a popular speaker at conferences and events, and she has inspired many people to take control of their well-being and to prioritise self-care in their careers.

Her recent award win at the SME Business Awards is a testament to her exceptional work and impact.